How to Strengthen Your Lower Back Muscles
The lower back muscles can often be a source of nagging pain for many
individuals. Physical activity, such as lifting objects, or by simply
maintaining bad posture when sitting or standing brings about these pains.
Lower back pain signals weakness in the lower back muscles. It arises when the
muscles have exerted themselves beyond what they can actually handle. Just like
any other muscle, exercise helps to strengthen the lower back muscles. Here are
three exercises that will help get those muscles stronger and reduce your pain.
A good exercise to start with that targets the lower back muscles are
deadlifts. Not only will deadlifts help strengthen your lower back muscles;
they will also hit muscles in the legs and arms as well. Start by grasping a
barbell with an alternating grip. One palm should face up and the other should
face downward. With feet shoulder width apart, lower your rear until your
thighs are parallel to the floor. Keeping your back straight and looking up,
slowly raise your rear until you are standing straight, lifting the weight off
the floor. Now, lower the weight slowly back down to the floor. Repeat for
10-12 repetitions.
Good Morning
Next on the list is the good morning exercise. Performing this exercise
will directly target the lower back muscles. Begin by standing with a barbell
across your shoulders. Bend at your waist until your chest is parallel to the
floor. Finally, raise yourself back to the starting position. Perform 10-12
repetitions. You will want to choose carefully how much weight you use to
perform this exercise. Too much and you may get to know the floor better than
you would like to.
Here is an exercise you can perform using your own bodyweight as
resistance. Simply begin by laying down on your stomach with your arms extended
outward above your head. Simultaneously lift your arms and legs upward and away
from the floor. Hold this position for about 30 seconds and then lower your
arms and legs down to the floor. Repeat for 10-12 repetitions. To add more
resistance, use wrist and ankle weights.
Three exercises that will strengthen your lower back muscles and help
relieve your lower back pain. Make sure to use proper form and perform these
exercises slowly to benefit from them. Also, remember to warm up those muscles.
That is the best way to protect against injury. Good luck and happy exercising.
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