Friday, October 29, 2021

How to Strengthen Your Lower Back Muscles

How to Strengthen Your Lower Back Muscles

The lower back muscles can often be a source of nagging pain for many individuals. Physical activity, such as lifting objects, or by simply maintaining bad posture when sitting or standing brings about these pains. Lower back pain signals weakness in the lower back muscles. It arises when the muscles have exerted themselves beyond what they can actually handle. Just like any other muscle, exercise helps to strengthen the lower back muscles. Here are three exercises that will help get those muscles stronger and reduce your pain.


A good exercise to start with that targets the lower back muscles are deadlifts. Not only will deadlifts help strengthen your lower back muscles; they will also hit muscles in the legs and arms as well. Start by grasping a barbell with an alternating grip. One palm should face up and the other should face downward. With feet shoulder width apart, lower your rear until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keeping your back straight and looking up, slowly raise your rear until you are standing straight, lifting the weight off the floor. Now, lower the weight slowly back down to the floor. Repeat for 10-12 repetitions.

Good Morning

Next on the list is the good morning exercise. Performing this exercise will directly target the lower back muscles. Begin by standing with a barbell across your shoulders. Bend at your waist until your chest is parallel to the floor. Finally, raise yourself back to the starting position. Perform 10-12 repetitions. You will want to choose carefully how much weight you use to perform this exercise. Too much and you may get to know the floor better than you would like to.


Here is an exercise you can perform using your own bodyweight as resistance. Simply begin by laying down on your stomach with your arms extended outward above your head. Simultaneously lift your arms and legs upward and away from the floor. Hold this position for about 30 seconds and then lower your arms and legs down to the floor. Repeat for 10-12 repetitions. To add more resistance, use wrist and ankle weights.

Three exercises that will strengthen your lower back muscles and help relieve your lower back pain. Make sure to use proper form and perform these exercises slowly to benefit from them. Also, remember to warm up those muscles. That is the best way to protect against injury. Good luck and happy exercising.

Friday, June 4, 2021

How to Get a Higher Vertical Leap

How to Get a Higher Vertical Leap

Michael Jordan had it. So did Dominique Wilkins and Spud Webb. Current NBA stars LeBron James and Giannis Antetokounmpo fill highlight reels with it, while Boston Celtics 5'9 point guard, Nate Robinson, won the 2008-2009 Slam Dunk Contest displaying it. It is the vertical leap, or as some affectionately call it, “hops.”

Basketball, professional or otherwise, has grown in popularity rapidly partially because of this athletic ability. This coveted asset can mean the difference between a good basketball player and a great one, or at least an entertaining one, though it is not a requirement to become any of these. How can you improve your chances of getting that next rebound or slamming one home? Here are some tips to help you reach stratospheric heights.


First, and most important, be sure to consult a physician before starting any workout program to assess your current physical preparedness. Next comes warming up and stretching. One of the best ways to warm up your leg muscles is to jump rope. This not only helps to strengthen the leg muscles, but it also helps improve agility and endurance. In addition, remember the importance of stretching. It reduces the possibility of injury and improves range of motion.

The Important Muscles

The height of your vertical leap depends greatly on the strength of the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. Use weight training to target these major muscle groups. Start with squats, an exercise that provides the benefit of hitting every major muscle group in the lower body. Follow the squats with some leg extensions to work the quads and leg curls for the hamstrings. Finish the workout with some calf raises. Performing these exercises twice a week should help you gain some inches vertically.

Gaining Strength

Remember, when trying to gain strength, you should perform exercises that target the fast-twitch muscle fibers. These fibers grow quickly when given sufficient stimulation. When weight training, exercises should be done with moderately heavy weight for a moderate number of repetitions or around six to eight reps per set. You should also rest for shorter periods in between sets. Recommended rest time for a workout is two minutes.

Plyometric Work

Performing plyometric exercises can also provide a great way to use your own bodyweight to work out the legs. This involves the concept of teaching by doing, incorporating jumping exercises in your regular weight training routing. Plyometric exercises such as jumping up onto an elevated surface, squat jumps and bounding (leaping while running) are great for making the legs stronger for jumping.

Take these steps to reach your goal of jumping higher. Stronger legs provide for greater balance and stability when moving on the basketball court as well. Adding these exercises to your off-season training will greatly benefit you come game time. Get out there, work, and you will soon reach new heights.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Best Full Body Workout Routine for Building Lean Muscle

The Best Full Body Workout Routine for Building Lean Muscle

Are you looking for that perfect workout routine that will both fat and building muscle at the same damn time?

Well, while this routine may not be perfect, it will get you to your fitness goal of being a lean, muscle machine. It won't happen overnight. You'll need to be consistent with your efforts and you'll need to make sure your diet is on point because without the proper diet, all the exercises in the world won't get you to where you want to go if you're always eating dirty.

This routine is filled with compound exercises for a reason. Working more than one muscle group at a time burns more calories. It also helps complimentary muscle groups to grow and get stronger together. You don't want to have abnormally large biceps paired with under developed triceps, do you?

Let's start from the top and work our way down.

Shoulders, Back, and Biceps - Lat Pulldown

The lat pulldown provides great muscle stimulation to both your shoulders, upper back, and biceps, the trifecta of the glamour muscles. Start with a warm-up set of around 15 to 18 reps and follow it up with 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps of moderate weight. Increase the weight 5 to 10 pounds every week to week and a half to build strength.

Chest and Triceps - Bench Press/Chest Press

To hit the chest and triceps, add the bench press or chest press to your routine. A staple in almost every workout routine imaginable, the free weight bench press will help you build strength much quicker than the machine guided chest press. However, if you don't have a workout partner to spot you, take advantage of the chest press. Four sets with one warm-up set and three sets with moderate weight. To give yourself routine a bit of variety, perform the incline or decline bench press instead.

Lower Back and Hamstrings - Good Morning

A strong lower back helps to reduce the risk of back injury and provides for greater stability when doing the simple things that make like grand, like walking or picking up stuff people drop. The Good Morning exercise not only strengthens those lower back muscles, but also helps to build your hamstrings as well. Not for the faint of heart, it's best to warm-up these muscles and start with moderately low weight if you're just beginning to perform this exercise.

The Entire Leg and Abs - Dumbbell Lunges

While the squat is the king of compound exercises and feel free to add them to your workout routine if you like, lunges run a close second to getting your legs in shape. They're exhausting because they not only activate the largest muscle group in the body, but they also require the use of your abs to maintain balance and control throughout the movement. Four sets of these beginning with the warm-up will get your legs primed and ready to go.

The Entire Body - Elliptical

Last, but certainly not least, is cardio and the elliptical is a beast when it comes to challenging the heart and lungs. Start and end your workout routine with cardio, high intensity at the beginning and low intensity for the cool down. By combining cardio with the weight training, you're encouraging your body to burn calories and fat at a higher rate. Try to get in 10 to 15 minutes on the elliptical prior to weight training and cool down for roughly 5 to 10 minutes after. Feel free to insert your favorite cardio exercise in here as well from time to time to add some variety.


And there you have it. A full body routine that will encourage muscle growth while burning off fat. You'll definitely be sweating after a few of these sessions, so make sure to bring a towel and plenty of water. Also, drink plenty of water prior to starting your routine to ensure proper hydration. Perform these three to four times a week, periodically raising the weight you train with and the duration of your cardio exercise, and you'll begin to see changes in no time. And remember to fuel your body with a proper diet in ensure you're getting the right nutrients for lean muscle growth. What you put into your body is just as important as what you do with your body.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

What it Takes to Get that Six-Pack

The six-pack is the epitome of a person's dedication physical fitness. Desired by many and yet so few achieve this marvel of peak abdominal conditioning. What does it take to get six-pack abs? More work than you could ever imagine.

Most people believe that a six-pack comes from doing hundreds, maybe thousands, of sit-ups and crunches. While this helps, it is only a small part of what goes into developing abs of steel. To get the abs of a Greek god takes discipline in both the gym and the kitchen.

In the Gym

Exercises that focus on the abdominal muscles tend to build muscle in the area. While sit-ups, crunches, and ab rollouts are important components for getting six-pack abs, they lack one necessary attribute - the ability to burn fat.

Fat gathers in the stomach area and covers the abdominal muscles. In order to remove the fat, look to incorporate more cardiovascular exercises into your workout routine. Look to add 15-30 minutes on a treadmill, exercise bike, or elliptical to your regular regimen and watch the fat around your mid-section melt away.

In the Kitchen

Sticking with the subject of fat, burning off the unwanted mass is only part of the plan. A person looking to get six-pack abs must be mindful of what and when they eat. Attempting to burn off fat is pointless if you continue to eat meals high in calories and fat content.

Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet along with other low fat and low-calorie foods. In addition, eating more frequent, smaller meals throughout the day helps to boost your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories while you rest. Not only will you be well on your way to seeing those six-pack abs you want, but you will also have more energy and shed pounds.

Meal preparation also helps to achieve your six-pack goal. To battle the desire to grab some fatty foods because of lack of time, prepare your meals for each day at the beginning of the week. Now, if you are running behind, you have a healthy meal ready to grab and go. It keeps your diet intact and saves you money as well.

Having a six-pack is a confidence booster. It is evidence that you work hard in the gym regularly as well as maintain a nutritionally balanced diet. Becoming dedicated in the gym and the kitchen takes work, but the results will amaze you once you have gained these disciplines. Get your workout clothes ready and prepare your shopping list. It is time to get that six-pack.

Monday, July 20, 2020

How to Make Weight Loss Fun

Every New Year's, millions of people make a resolution to lose weight only to fall short before the springtime. It's not because they lack the discipline to accomplish this goal. For some, weight loss is simply hard to do. Think about it. You have to watch what you eat. You have to find time to exercise. And when you do find the time, you actually have to exercise. It's easier to just eat the foods you love and sit down to relax after a hard day's work.

Here's the thing. Losing weight doesn't have to be so hard. By making some changes in your lifestyle, you can be well on your way to shedding those unwanted pounds. In spite of what you may believe, losing weight can be an enjoyable experience.

Healthy Snacking

Watching what you eat brings on quite a challenge, especially when you think of snack foods. I mean, some of the best foods are snacks. Cookies, cakes, pies, ice cream... They're all great. But, they also make losing weight difficult. Most people tend to eat more than their fair serving, feeding their bodies with more grams of fat and calories than needed.

One important note about snacking: you can control the portions that you eat. When you have a taste for your favorite cookie or ice cream, cut the serving you normally would have in half. This will reduce your caloric intake while you get to enjoy your snack. Also, look to add healthy snacks, like fresh fruits and vegetables or nuts, to your shopping list. Not only are they delicious, they also provide the body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly.

Anytime Stroll

Whether its early morning, midday, or late night, taking a stroll can be a relaxing way to burn some calories and lose some weight. All you need is some time and a sidewalk (or track). Add some music or walk with a friend to make the time fly. Walking on a daily basis will give your body some good exercise and help prepare it for more rigorous training.

Dance Like No One is Watching

Actually doing it will help you accomplish the weight loss you so desire. There are fewer, more enjoyable cardiovascular exercises you can do besides dancing. It also requires very little equipment. Just turn on some music and let the rhythm take you.

When most people think of exercising, fun is the last thing that comes to mind. Dancing regularly will change that. You can choose to either do it amongst friends, loved ones, and strangers or in the comforts of your own home.

Kids Have the Right Idea

Being a child can be the most pleasurable time in a person's life. Nothing beats an existence filled with playing and using your imagination. As we grew older, somewhere we learned that adulthood was all about working. However, adults can still play too. If you have children, this may come easy. You can simply run, jump, and skip right alongside your young ones. For those without child, you can find other ways to do the same. Take up a competitive sport like basketball or tennis to get your body moving and those calories burning.

Keep it Clean

Wash the dishes. Scrub the bathtub. Mop the floor. Weed the yard. By keeping your home nice and tidy, you'll also be burning many unwanted calories and fat. I'm not saying that you need to become a neat freak to lose weight, but it can certainly help. Your body and your house guests will greatly appreciate your cleanliness.

As you can see, losing weight doesn't have to be a challenge. By making some minor changes in your lifestyle, reaching your goal size will be a cinch. Remember that sugary snacks aren't the only tasty treats you can enjoy, but when you do have them, eat them in moderation. Also, when being active, try to perform an activity for at least thirty minutes to an hour to truly burn some calories. You'll soon begin to see those pounds slip away.

Monday, March 14, 2016

I Like to Eat

Yep, that about sums up my week.

I love food. The greasier the better. The sweeter the better. The healthier the... Infrequently found on my plate.

Don't get me wrong. I love fresh fruit and veggies and try to make it a part of each meal, especially dinner. Sometimes, however, I just want the grease, the fat, the sugar, and the salt.

It be callin' me, man. It be callin' me.

Unfortunately, long gone are the days when I could fill my stomach with anything and not see the effects. Those effects creep up on you. 

At 37, I've been doing well. Breakfast have been mostly plain Greek yogurt, raw fruit, and steel cut oatmeal. Dinners consist of lean meat (usually chicken or turkey), brown rice and steamed veggies.

Lunch is usually where I flip my lid and say, "Gimme that fried, please."

This week those lunch tendencies bled into my dinners. I doubled up on the fried food intake and even allowed myself to skip on the veggies. 

Cheat day? Try cheat week.
I really let myself go. I was bad. Really bad.

Given my fitness goals, this just isn't going to work. I'm going to have to tighten up on my meals. No more letting my cravings get the best of me. 

This goes for lunch too. 

It's meal prep time. I've done it before. It was quite boring. A bunch of apples, bananas, Greek yogurt, unsalted nuts, peanut butter, egg whites, etc.

I want to liven it up so I don't fall into the "I'm sick of this bland crap" hole.

Do you meal prep? If you do, do you have any suggestions on how I can make it exciting every once in a while?

I'm a realist. I understand it will be a bit boring, but I would like some variety.

Also, how do you choose the foods you prep? What macros are you targeting?

Monday, March 7, 2016

Feeling Good, Feeling Great

Good Day All!!!

I realize my posts have been a bit sporadic, especially since I ceased shilling for BeachBody.

Sorry about that.

I know you all miss my updates of how much I sweated and lifted and my continuing hatred for all things lunge related (I'm sure they're evil).

I know you miss my shirtless bathroom pictures.

I know you miss my bad jokes.

You don't?

Well, too bad. I have plenty more shirtless pics and bad jokes to share with the world and I'm not giving that up for anybody.

All jokes aside (I mean, really? How do you not think I'm funny?), I want to help, inspire, and motivate others to get in shape.

I'm not saying that I want everyone to become ripped, hulking beasts walking around chest bumping, high-fiving, and shooting the breeze at protein shake bars.

I just want people to be able to live longer, healthier lives while also enjoying all that life has to offer.

Is that wrong?

So yes, you may have to suffer through a few more shirtless pics and bad jokes (I'm trying to see how many times I can fit the word "jokes" into this post).

Also, working out makes me a bit vain and I want to share my vanity with everyone.

I also want to get in shape to try my hand at a competition or two, although I still have a long way to go (ALL FRIED EVERYTHING!!!). So, this is also a way to track and share my progress.

I have some friends that have inspired me to pursuit this goal (Go Yanick and Amber!!! You guys are great!!!).

There you have it. A small update on where I am in regards to my fitness goals. Please feel free to share your fitness goals with me.

Have a bless day and #letsgetstrong.