Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sunday's Workout - Free Samples

Free Samples!!!

As I stated in my Madness post, I received my free samples from Beast Sports Nutrition. Sunday was the day I put some of them to use. So, after a tasty lunch, I took the Beast Sports Creature Powder (creatine) and the Beast Mode pre-workout.

After waiting 30 minutes, I went to the workout room and went at it.
  • 1 set/12 reps Dumbell Squat/Shoulder Press - 30 lb dumbbells
  • 1 set/8 reps Dumbell Squat/Shoulder Press - 35 lb dumbbells
  • 1 set/5 reps Dumbell Squat/Shoulder Press - 40 lb dumbbells
  • 1 set/5 reps Dumbell Squat/Shoulder Press - 40 lb dumbbells
  • 6 sets/25 reps Calf Raises - 40 lb dumbbells
  • 3 sets/10 reps Shoulder Shrugs - 40 lb dumbbells
  • 1 set/12 reps Dumbbell Curls - 30 lb 
  • 1 set/8 reps Dumbbell Curls - 35 lb
  • 2 sets/5 reps Dumbbell Curls - 40 lb
  • 2 sets/12 reps Lat Pulldown - 120 lbs
  • 2 sets/5 reps Lat Pulldown 160 lbs
An hour's worth of effort and I was spent. It felt pretty good to get a pump on Sunday. So good, in fact, that I slept most of Labor Day.

I still found time to feed my face, having baked chicken for Sunday dinner and steak and shrimp on Monday. I also received some confirmation on my increase in size. Lets me know the hard work is paying off.

Did you get pumped this holiday weekend? Let me know what you did.

Until next time... #letsgetstrong.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Random Thoughts - Really? Two Blog Posts?

Why do you care about my workouts?

Why would you have wanted to buy BeachBody products from me (I'm not selling them anymore)?

Why do you want to see half-naked pictures of me possibly flexing (maybe a little) in a mirror?

The answers to these questions are probably:
  • "You work out. So what?"
  • "I didn't need those over-priced videos or protein shakes"
  • "I don't want to see that. Stop posting them. Put a shirt on."
That's understandable. Not everyone enjoys exercise as much as I do. Hell, sometimes I don't feel like doing them either.  (See: I'm Slacking... Big Time)

It's just... when I do exercise... I feel good.

I see the progression and I feel encouraged... motivated... inspired. It reminds me that with effort, I can achieve and succeed. Working out brings me peace when I need it. It allows me to empty my mind of the distractions that keep me from thinking clearly. The gym becomes my Fortress of Solitude (I like Superman. Deal with it).

I like to share my workouts and my progress. I want everyone to see what my efforts have created. I'll accept whatever comments you have for me about my showing off.

Maybe someone will be inspired by my efforts. Maybe I'll just be some eye candy (I have no problem with that). Maybe I'll be the butt of some jokes (I like to laugh to, so please share). It's all good with me.

Can you tell I'm up too late? Why are you still up?

Anyway, let's keep moving forward, let's keep being thankful, and #letsgetstrong.


I couldn't wait to leave work and head to the exercise room. Once I got home, I decided that I would have a bit of coffee before I went to workout. Saw an article suggesting it and thought I would give it a try.

(61 Ways to Fight Fat)

This is what using coffee as a pre-workout gets you:
  • 5 minutes Stationary Bike
    • On Resistance 8
  • 2 sets/15 reps Lat Pulldown 90 lbs
  • 2 sets/8 reps Lat Pulldown 120 lbs
  • 2 sets/4 reps Lat Pulldown 150 lbs
  • 1 set/12 reps Dumbell Squat/Shoulder Press - 25 lb dumbbells
  • 3 sets/5 reps Dumbell Squat/Shoulder Press - 40 lb dumbbells
    • 150 Sit-ups (15 Sit-ups completed after each set of exercises)
  • 2.5 minutes Stationary Bike
    • On Resistance 8
  • 1 set 15 reps Upright Row - 70 lbs
  • 1 set 15 reps Upright Row - 90 lbs
  • 1 set 10 reps Upright Row - 110 lbs
  • 1 set 8 reps Upright Row - 130 lbs
  • 3 sets 10 reps Dumbbell Squats 35 lb dumbbells
  • 5 minutes Stationary Bike (cool down)
    • 2.5 minutes on Resistance 5
    • 2.5 minutes on Resistance 3
That was one heck of an hour. I wore myself out and it felt great. Probably not the best idea since I had to be at my overnight gig tonight, but who cares. It was a great workout.

Also, I received some free samples in the mail from Beast Sports Nutrition. I can't wait to try them out this holiday weekend.

Everyone enjoy their Labor Day.

Be safe, have fun, and #letsgetstrong.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Yesterday, Today, and... That's It.

Another day started with ab rollouts.

I love those things.

Helps me wake up and get ready for the day.

Yesterday, in the apartment exercise room, my workout consisted of:

  • 5 minutes on the exercise bike
  • 6 sets of dumbbell bench press
    • 1st set: 25 lbs for 25 reps
    • 2nd set: 30 lbs for 25 reps
    • 3rd set: 35 lbs for 20 reps
    • 4th set: 40 lbs for 15 reps
    • 5th set: 45 lbs for 12 reps
    • 6th set: 50 lbs for 8 reps
  • 3 sets of dumbbell curls
    • 1st set: 25 lbs for 12 reps
    • 2nd set: 30 lbs for 10 reps
    • 3rd set: 35 lbs for 8 reps
  • 3 sets of dumbbell lateral raises
    • 20 lbs for 10 reps
  • 3 sets of dumbbell front raises
    • 20 lbs for 10 reps
Good quality workout indeed. Really got the blood to flowing. Made me flex in the mirrors maybe two, or three, times.

We'll see what today's workout will bring. Not doing too much. More time on the bike and some more ab work.

I'm working towards something.

What are you working towards? Let me know.