Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sunday's Workout - Free Samples

Free Samples!!!

As I stated in my Madness post, I received my free samples from Beast Sports Nutrition. Sunday was the day I put some of them to use. So, after a tasty lunch, I took the Beast Sports Creature Powder (creatine) and the Beast Mode pre-workout.

After waiting 30 minutes, I went to the workout room and went at it.
  • 1 set/12 reps Dumbell Squat/Shoulder Press - 30 lb dumbbells
  • 1 set/8 reps Dumbell Squat/Shoulder Press - 35 lb dumbbells
  • 1 set/5 reps Dumbell Squat/Shoulder Press - 40 lb dumbbells
  • 1 set/5 reps Dumbell Squat/Shoulder Press - 40 lb dumbbells
  • 6 sets/25 reps Calf Raises - 40 lb dumbbells
  • 3 sets/10 reps Shoulder Shrugs - 40 lb dumbbells
  • 1 set/12 reps Dumbbell Curls - 30 lb 
  • 1 set/8 reps Dumbbell Curls - 35 lb
  • 2 sets/5 reps Dumbbell Curls - 40 lb
  • 2 sets/12 reps Lat Pulldown - 120 lbs
  • 2 sets/5 reps Lat Pulldown 160 lbs
An hour's worth of effort and I was spent. It felt pretty good to get a pump on Sunday. So good, in fact, that I slept most of Labor Day.

I still found time to feed my face, having baked chicken for Sunday dinner and steak and shrimp on Monday. I also received some confirmation on my increase in size. Lets me know the hard work is paying off.

Did you get pumped this holiday weekend? Let me know what you did.

Until next time... #letsgetstrong.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Random Thoughts - Really? Two Blog Posts?

Why do you care about my workouts?

Why would you have wanted to buy BeachBody products from me (I'm not selling them anymore)?

Why do you want to see half-naked pictures of me possibly flexing (maybe a little) in a mirror?

The answers to these questions are probably:
  • "You work out. So what?"
  • "I didn't need those over-priced videos or protein shakes"
  • "I don't want to see that. Stop posting them. Put a shirt on."
That's understandable. Not everyone enjoys exercise as much as I do. Hell, sometimes I don't feel like doing them either.  (See: I'm Slacking... Big Time)

It's just... when I do exercise... I feel good.

I see the progression and I feel encouraged... motivated... inspired. It reminds me that with effort, I can achieve and succeed. Working out brings me peace when I need it. It allows me to empty my mind of the distractions that keep me from thinking clearly. The gym becomes my Fortress of Solitude (I like Superman. Deal with it).

I like to share my workouts and my progress. I want everyone to see what my efforts have created. I'll accept whatever comments you have for me about my showing off.

Maybe someone will be inspired by my efforts. Maybe I'll just be some eye candy (I have no problem with that). Maybe I'll be the butt of some jokes (I like to laugh to, so please share). It's all good with me.

Can you tell I'm up too late? Why are you still up?

Anyway, let's keep moving forward, let's keep being thankful, and #letsgetstrong.


I couldn't wait to leave work and head to the exercise room. Once I got home, I decided that I would have a bit of coffee before I went to workout. Saw an article suggesting it and thought I would give it a try.

(61 Ways to Fight Fat)

This is what using coffee as a pre-workout gets you:
  • 5 minutes Stationary Bike
    • On Resistance 8
  • 2 sets/15 reps Lat Pulldown 90 lbs
  • 2 sets/8 reps Lat Pulldown 120 lbs
  • 2 sets/4 reps Lat Pulldown 150 lbs
  • 1 set/12 reps Dumbell Squat/Shoulder Press - 25 lb dumbbells
  • 3 sets/5 reps Dumbell Squat/Shoulder Press - 40 lb dumbbells
    • 150 Sit-ups (15 Sit-ups completed after each set of exercises)
  • 2.5 minutes Stationary Bike
    • On Resistance 8
  • 1 set 15 reps Upright Row - 70 lbs
  • 1 set 15 reps Upright Row - 90 lbs
  • 1 set 10 reps Upright Row - 110 lbs
  • 1 set 8 reps Upright Row - 130 lbs
  • 3 sets 10 reps Dumbbell Squats 35 lb dumbbells
  • 5 minutes Stationary Bike (cool down)
    • 2.5 minutes on Resistance 5
    • 2.5 minutes on Resistance 3
That was one heck of an hour. I wore myself out and it felt great. Probably not the best idea since I had to be at my overnight gig tonight, but who cares. It was a great workout.

Also, I received some free samples in the mail from Beast Sports Nutrition. I can't wait to try them out this holiday weekend.

Everyone enjoy their Labor Day.

Be safe, have fun, and #letsgetstrong.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Yesterday, Today, and... That's It.

Another day started with ab rollouts.

I love those things.

Helps me wake up and get ready for the day.

Yesterday, in the apartment exercise room, my workout consisted of:

  • 5 minutes on the exercise bike
  • 6 sets of dumbbell bench press
    • 1st set: 25 lbs for 25 reps
    • 2nd set: 30 lbs for 25 reps
    • 3rd set: 35 lbs for 20 reps
    • 4th set: 40 lbs for 15 reps
    • 5th set: 45 lbs for 12 reps
    • 6th set: 50 lbs for 8 reps
  • 3 sets of dumbbell curls
    • 1st set: 25 lbs for 12 reps
    • 2nd set: 30 lbs for 10 reps
    • 3rd set: 35 lbs for 8 reps
  • 3 sets of dumbbell lateral raises
    • 20 lbs for 10 reps
  • 3 sets of dumbbell front raises
    • 20 lbs for 10 reps
Good quality workout indeed. Really got the blood to flowing. Made me flex in the mirrors maybe two, or three, times.

We'll see what today's workout will bring. Not doing too much. More time on the bike and some more ab work.

I'm working towards something.

What are you working towards? Let me know.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

It's the Return of the Motherf... I Mean... I'm Back

Did ya miss me?

While my frequency of posting ceased, my workouts kept going.

This is what I do. I like to workout. I like to lift weights. I like to ride the stationary bike.


I pick stuff up. I put stuff down.

This isn't enough for me.

I'm working towards something, although I have yet to give it the full focus it deserves. Still, things are coming along nicely.

One of these days I get a hang of this whole nutrition thing. I just happen to love fried foods and sugar (I ate a funnel cake cover in chocolate syrup, peanut butter syrup, and Reese's cups yesterday).  But, as most of you know...

I try so hard.

I really do.
Now that I've bombarded you (BOMBARDMENT!!!) with random pictures that I found on Google, I'm making my dedication to improve my diet public. I got goals, dagnabit! And 40 is getting closer. 

So, stay tuned for updates, pictures (I'm really not as vain as I come across), babble, psycho-babble, and bro-science (I love this term).

WE WILL PROTECT THIS HOUSE!!! By "house," I mean body. And by "protect," I mean throat punch.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I'm Slacking... Big Time

Eleven days ago, I submitted my cancellation notice to Beachbody to end my stint as an independent Beachbody coach. In a year and one month, I never made a sale. While I enjoy fitness, sales isn't one of my strong suits. I figured the time had come to chalk my time as a Beachbody coach as a loss and move on to something else.

Since that day of submission, I haven't done one session of Les Mills COMBAT. I haven't given up on it. I do enjoy the workouts very much. They sessions are both challenging and fun and I felt the change that came from sticking with the routine for over 45 days.

But, I'm tired. For the last six months, I've kept a very active schedule personally and professionally. And I've always listened to my body. My body needed a break so I'm giving it a break. Don't worry (like you're actually worried about my fitness), the spark in me to workout is rising again. It won't be long before I'm attacking the weights and kicking invisible enemies again. Summer is coming and my quest for "muscular ripply-ness" has not ended.

I'm going to build a routine, like I always do, consisting of the Les Mills COMBAT sessions and intense weight training. I want to do more HIIT exercises and add some Crossfit-inspired exercises to my routine. I've been looking at various Crossfit testimonials, routines, and other videos and it has piqued my interest.

Keep a watchful eye on the horizon for there is more to come.

Follow me on twitter at @pmelton357.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Les Mills COMBAT: I'm actually on Day 47!!!

My hectic schedule actually had me thrown off quite a bit. With working two jobs and planning two fundraisers, I did my best to stick to the Les Mills COMBAT Warrior schedule, going so far as to cram two workout sessions in a day to keep pace. And here I am at Day 47.

Today was COMBAT 60 LIVE... again. That capoeira track remains a challenge. 

Still, I pushed through it all, working hard to maintain good form and keep up with the DVD trainers. Sweat poured from every part of my body, my favorite Superman shirt drenched with every drop of water I drank today. And, as always, I feel great.

Since beginning Les Mills COMBAT, I feel stronger throughout my body. I feel as though I can kick through any door and punch through several blocks of ice. That's how I feel. I'm not ready to try those things just yet.

I also feel lighter and leaner as I notice an increase in my overall muscle definition, albeit a slight increase. That's mainly due to my dietary struggles. I love to eat like most people and, unfortunately, my favorite foods tend to be high in sugar and salt. I've been trying my best to improve my diet, but I still tend to slip up more often than I should.

I'm proud to have made it this far in Les Mills COMBAT and although the end is near, I have no intention of stopping. The warm weather approaches. Spring lurks just around the corner. That means I'll look to hit the gym and to continue with the sessions. I'm also looking at other possible Beachbody workouts to add to my burgeoning collection.

I hope you're enjoying following my journey. Here's a sample of what I've been doing.

Check out Les Mills COMBAT and other Beachbody DVDs here: philipm78.

Check me out on Twitter here: @pmelton357.

Check out my facebook page here: Independent Beachbody Coach Philip A. Melton II.


Monday, March 9, 2015

Les Mills COMBAT: Day... I lost count.

This weekend was the weekend to end all weekends.

I had to make up for lost time and doubled up my workouts on Friday and Sunday. Saturday, I felt the effects of doing two sessions (COMBAT 45 and COMBAT 60 LIVE) in between working two 8-hour shifts. I could have fallen asleep standing up and my body was sore all over.

On Sunday, the soreness died down and I completed the HIIT: Plyo and COMBAT 60 LIVE sessions. I slept like a babe that night. Today, I feel great. And I realized I only have 17 days left of Les Mills COMBAT. 17 DAYS!!!

Tonight, I'm set to complete the HIIT: Plyo session again, but what I want to discuss now is COMBAT 60 LIVE. This DVD has the video trainers performing a live session to a crowd of about... 400 is what I think they said. It has several aspects that differ from the previous kick/punch (or MMA-inspired, as they call it) sessions.

It consist of kick/punch combos with bobs and elbows sprinkled here and there. The most strenuous, and challenging, part comes in the form of a Capoeira segment. What you do is kick first and follow that kick with three lunges. It gets better.

Next, you do what's called an "esquiva," where you lunge out to the side and follow that with two lunges with your foot behind you. Finally, from the "esquiva" pose, you begin a combo that goes: knee, knee, back kick, knee. Whichever leg is in front does not move.

That combo is a balance killer. While attempting, I stumbled forward and I stumbled backward. I may have even stumbled upward. I've completed this session twice and while I have improved on the other segments (I particularly enjoy the triple elbow), I haven't seen much improvement in the "esquiva" segment.

I'm excited to be so close to finishing Les Mills COMBAT... for the first time. I'm planning on taking it the next level once I complete this initial run. More fun and excitement to come.


Check out Les Mills COMBAT and other Beachbody DVDs here: philipm78.

Check me out on Twitter here: @pmelton357.

Check out my facebook page here: Independent Beachbody Coach Philip A. Melton II.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Les Mills COMBAT: Day 31 - Wasn't this a Rest Day?

Here it is, Day 31 of Les Mills COMBAT and I'm still going strong. 

Today was scheduled to be a rest day, but I've had to do a bit of adjusting this week due to some additional activities going on in my life. Because of this, I made Sunday and Tuesday both unexpected rest days and doubled up my workout on Monday. I did COMBAT 30 and COMBAT 60 and I felt invigorated.

COMBAT 45: Power Kata was the session for today. As a matter of fact, I peeped ahead to see what the rest of the week's session were and I finish off with COMBAT 60 and COMBAT 30. That's cool. I really like the mixed fighting sessions. I don't feel like I can get in someone's ring or back alley fight club and throw down yet, but I do feel more confident in my kicks and punches.

Day 31 also marks the halfway point of Les Mills COMBAT.

That's right. It's a celebration. To be quite honest, I thought I would give in before now. However, with everything that's been going on this week, I was determined not to fall short. Doubling up on Monday showed me my determination to finish. It also helped me see how far I've come cardio-wise. After finishing both sessions, I was pumped and even considered doing multiple sessions from now until day 60. I said, "considered."

Since this is the halfway point, I also took my measurements. They are as follows:
  • Chest: 40"
  • Right Arm: 13.5"
  • Left Arm: 13.5"
  • Waist: 35.5"
  • Hips: 41.5"
  • Right Thigh: 23"
  • Left Thigh: 23.5"
When comparing these with my first measurements, not much has changed. I've lost an inch in my waist and, somehow, inexplicably gained an half an inch in my left thigh. Who gains an inch in one thigh? Especially on the weaker side of their body? There's definitely a margin of error in there somewhere.

My assessment of my first 30 days of Les Mills COMBAT: I need to step it up during the sessions, with my additional exercises, and with my diet. I like to eat and most of what I like to eat is cohesive to changing my body. I've improved on eating healthier, but some days I'm just like... I'm going to eat whatever I want to eat. Need to be more disciplined than that. 

I can say that I do feel a change on the inside. Doing regular physical activity that's fun is all part of the motivation to change your body for the better. Check it out for yourself at www.beachbodycoach.com/philipm78.

Also, follow me on Twitter at @pmelton357.

Until next time... let's get in shape, let's have fun, and #letsgetstrong.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Les Mills COMBAT: Day 23

While I may have slacked off on my blog, I've kept up with my Les Mills COMBAT routine.

Here I am at day 23 and I've never felt better. The order of the sessions has changed a bit since my first two weeks. This week started with COMBAT 60: Extreme Cardio Fighter on Sunday and Shock Plyo HIIT 2 today. Those just happen to be the last two sessions I did last week.

Since I began Les Mills COMBAT, I've noticed that my legs have gotten stronger. That's been especially evident when I do the Plyo HIIT 2 session. The lunges are getting easier and my legs don't get fatigued as quickly as they did in the beginning. I would go for a run if I didn't hate the cold so much.

In just a few more days, I'll be at the halfway mark of Les Mills COMBAT. I'm excited to see what changes there are in my measurements. Whatever changes have occurred, I know all the credit doesn't solely go to this DVD workout set. I had to get off of my butt and put forth an effort to make my body change. Some days I didn't feel like doing anything. Other days, I wanted to do more than expected. 

Overall, these workouts have kept me motivated with the simply notion of wanting to complete a goal. That goal: to finish all 60 days and to give my all at the same time. At day 23, I feel that I've been doing just that and I plan to keep on going to day 60 and beyond.

If you're ready to grow and want to change your body, check out Les Mills COMBAT or any of the other programs Beachbody has to offer at beachbodycoach.com/philipm78.

Also, follow me at Twitter at @pmelton357.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Les Mills COMBAT: Day 16 - Power HIIT 1

Did I ever tell you how much I hate lunges? 

I hate them. They are a despicable exercise dreamed up by some sadistic personal trainer with legs the size of tree trunks. And he never really did any more than two and that was just to demonstrate how they are done. When no one is watching, he secretly only does squats.

Well, while doing the Les Mills COMBAT; Power HIIT 1 for the third time in three weeks, I would like to add my utter disdain for burpees, squats, deadlifts... pretty much any exercise that works the legs in general. If you have seen me in person, then you know this to be true.

For this reason, after I completed today's 30 minute session, I did:

  • Leg extensions, 3 sets of 35 reps at 40 lbs.
  • Leg curls, 3 sets of 25 reps at 40 lbs.
No longer will I neglect my foundation. If I am to see a significant change in my body, then it will be in my legs. I dream of the day my calves rip through my socks like Hulk Hogan tears through a too small tank top. I have a long way to go.

The extra leg exercises weren't all I did in addition to Power HIIT 1. I also added:
  • Exercise ball sit-ups, 3 sets of 25 reps.
  • Ab wheel oblique rollouts, 3 sets of 5 reps for each side.
And after a dinner of asparagus, baked chicken breast, and brown rice, I'm feeling really good.

Time to rest this weary body and getting my mind right for tomorrow's session.

If you're ready to grow and want to change your body, check out Les Mills COMBAT or any of the other programs Beachbody has to offer at beachbodycoach.com/philipm78.

Also, follow me at Twitter at @pmelton357.

Let's get in shape, let's have fun, and #letsgetstrong.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Les Mills COMBAT: Day 15 - COMBAT 60: Extreme Cardio Fighter

Here I am at the beginning of the third week of Les Mills COMBAT and it's time for something different... COMBAT 60: Extreme Cardio Fighter.

Sixty minutes of punching, kicking, knees, elbows, bobbing, and weaving. Plenty of moves to get the heart beating, the lungs working, and the sweat pouring. And I feel great.

The first two weeks of Les Mills COMBAT gets you prepared to take on this long session. Initially, I was hesitant because of the 60 minutes, but once I got going, I realized that I was ready to take on the challenge.

There are lots of combos to work through in this session, so it took some time getting my rhythm together. Of course, the punch combos full of jabs, crosses, uppercuts, and hooks came easily. It's the punch-kick combos and kick combos that require the most coordination.

Going from an uppercut with both arms to a back knee strike to a front kick is a lot for a beginner to handle at first. However, with each repetition, I got more comfortable performing the combination. Fatigue makes it hard to keep up with the combos as well. 

I'm glad that I was able to push myself and finish another session of Les Mills COMBAT. I'm enjoying every workout I do. Every session I complete, I feel better and better. Every morning after I feel I can take on the world... or at least do another session.

If you're ready to grow and want to change your body, check out Les Mills COMBAT or any of the other programs Beachbody has to offer at beachbodycoach.com/philipm78.

Also, follow me at Twitter at @pmelton357.

Let's get in shape, let's have fun, and #letsgetstrong.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Les Mills COMBAT: Day 12 - Shock Plyo HIIT 2

I have found my white whale... or maybe my Jerry or Tweety Bird. I've never read Moby Dick. I have watched a lot of cartoons.

Shock Plyo HIIT 2 challenges me. It pushes me to a point that I haven't reached yet. The other sessions do not compare. They're easy.

I ran in place. I did jump squats. I did lunges and double lunges. And then I paused the DVD, had a drink of water, and took a deep breath. Press play.

More running in place. More jump squats. And there's still 20 minutes to go. I keep pushing. 

Wait. You want me to do burpee, transition to a squat, and then jump up in the air? Ok. 

You want me to do that again? Ok. 

I try not to think about how much I sweat or how heavy I breathe. I push pass the burning sensation in your arms and legs, although at times I want to stop. If you want to change your body, then you have to take control.

I want to change my body. 

If you're ready to grow and want to change your body, check out Les Mills COMBAT or any of the other programs Beachbody has to offer at beachbodycoach.com/philipm78.

Also, follow me at Twitter at @pmelton357.

Let's get in shape, let's have fun, and #letsgetstrong.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Les Mills COMBAT: Days 9 & 10

So, I took a day off from posting yesterday, but I didn't take a day off from Les Mills COMBAT. I still got my work in with Power HIIT 1 yesterday and followed it up with an intense session of COMBAT 45: Power Kata today. 

Power HIIT 1

For the second time around, I prepared for Power HIIT 1. I used my straight barbell bar with 7.5lbs on each side along with my weighted gloves. Although the weight may be light, using it with Power HIIT 1 became challenging very quickly.

It really began to hit me once we started doing the squat to overhead press. My arms felt like they would give out at any moment. I made it through the first two sets, but for the last two, I just went with the gloves and a 2.5 lb plate in each hand. 

This was indeed a difficult session. I hope to see some improvement in my muscle endurance by the next Power HIIT 1 session. I finished, but I can't say that I was truly pleased with my performance. Still, I gave it my all.


The martial arts based sessions, however, are getting easier. Although I stumbled here and there, I was able to keep up with my DVD trainers. The punch combinations come easily. There's still plenty of room for improvement with my kicks. 

Since I felt more comfortable with the Power Kata, I was motivated to push myself hard and maintained my intensity throughout the session. It really showed once the workout ended as you can see in this picture.

During the Power Kata, sweat dripped everywhere. At one point, I just closed my eyes and listened to the trainer's instructions. I'm getting closer to the point where I don't really have to watch the DVD to see how they position themselves. However, if you saw my kicks, you'd know that I do have room to grow.

If you're ready to grow and make a change, check out Les Mills COMBAT or any of the other programs Beachbody has to offer at beachbodycoach.com/philipm78.

Also, follow me at Twitter at @pmelton357.

Let's get in shape, let's have fun, and #letsgetstrong.

Giving your Mind a Workout

Giving Your Mind a Workout

Like the body, the mind needs activity to stay fit. While it is true that the mind is always working, it is not always working hard. Certain activities help strengthen the mind by taking it out of its comfort zone. Mental fitness occurs through subjecting the mind to challenging processes, encouraging it to approach problems from various angles. By stimulating your mind, you keep it well-equipped to handle the dynamics nature of life.


Over time, people develop routines that help them function comfortably in life. Predictability makes life simple. Unfortunately, life is anything but predictable. Every day, life brings challenges. Most challenges are small and inconsequential. Those can be overcome with minimal mental effort. Life, however, would not be life without the occasional, substantial obstacle arising every now and again. These larger than life roadblocks will require you to reach beyond what you know, and are accustomed to, with regard to finding a solution.


How do you go about exercising your mind? Reading a wide range of literature is the easiest place to begin. New information encourages your mind to process, understand, and assimilate it. Your mind will work to join the new information with any knowledge you already possess. The more you read, the more you will retain. Reading introduces your mind to ideas, concepts, and opinions you may have never before considered. It also allows you to explore subjects that interest and intrigue you. Read more to expand your mind and the world in which you live.


Puzzles and games can also be valuable tools for strengthening the mind. Puzzles come in various shapes, sizes and levels of difficulty. For example, the standard jigsaw puzzle requires you to take pieces of a picture to make it whole. You will match the colors on the puzzle pieces, as well as the shapes, slowly progressing to the finished photo. Sudoku, on the other hand, is a logic game. Here, you organize numbers (commonly those between 1 and 9) in a grid with only a few hints of each number’s location. For completing puzzles, you must work with the parts to create the big picture.


Regardless of age, school shall always be an excellent avenue for strengthening the mind. A regular schedule of informative lectures accompanied by required readings, problems, or research will challenge your mind to grow. You can choose between in depth learning to bolster your current field of expertise or study something new that’s always piqued your interest.

Mental fitness means having a mind that is capable of managing the rigors of life. The longer you live, the more likely your mental abilities may diminish because of lack of stimulation and aging. Engaging the mind with regular exercise helps to lessen these effects. Keep your mind sharp by giving it a good workout.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Les Mills COMBAT: Day 8 - COMBAT 30 Kick Start

Superbowl XXLIX.

It got me. Like almost everyone else, I watched the biggest football game of the year. I wanted to see the end result of all the trash talk, Skittles, and deflated footballs. And I saw the New England Patriots beat the Seattle Seahawks for another Superbowl title.

After that, I hit the play button on the DVD player. Back to Les Mills COMBAT and COMBAT 30 Kick Start.

With this being the third time I've done this session in 8 days, it was far easiest than it was on day 1. Still, I got a good workout in and a great sweat.

Also, I'm getting better with keeping my balance throughout the kick repetitions as well as keeping up with the guys on the DVD. It feels good when you see the change happening due to your effort and dedication. What can be more motivating than that?

Start your path to change and check out beachbodycoach.com/philipm78.

Also, follow me at Twitter at @pmelton357.

Let's get in shape, let's have fun, and #letsgetstrong.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

REST DAY... to the EXTREME!!!

Today's rest day was just that in every way.

My Les Mills COMBAT session yesterday happened between my two jobs. I didn't get to sleep until 8:00 am this morning. And sleep I did. For nine hours.

My body needed all the rest I could allow it to have. I probably could have slept more if I didn't have to be at work tonight. Still, it felt good to get that much sleep in, especially after the challenging day I had yesterday.

Once again, rest day is also about what I put into my body. Unfortunately, I was too tired after work to do anything more than eat a microwavable meal. Right now, I'm enjoying a 1/2 cup of brown rice as I type this. I still have to figure out what I'll eat for dinner.


I'm glad I decided to relaunch my blog with an introduction to the Les Mills COMBAT program. I hope you've enjoyed the beginning of my journey with this DVD set as much as I've enjoyed doing the workouts. Please continue to follow along as I provide updates on my progress over the next 60 days.

Until then...

Let's get in shape, let's have fun, and #letsgetstrong.


Ok, so I decided to go against the healthy diet thing tonight as I indulged myself in fried pickles, boneless chicken wings, and french fries at Hooters. Don't judge me.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Les Mills COMBAT: Day 6 - COMBAT 30 Kick Start

Day 6 of Les Mills COMBAT and we're back at the beginning. Back to the COMBAT Kick Start DVD and I decided to, like yesterday, add some light weight training after the session. 

I feel great!!! 

Had a good sweat and a good workout. I kept my own pace throughout the workout to make sure I used good form. Overall, today's session was low on struggle, but high on intensity and accuracy. 

I also added some resistance by wearing my weighted gloves. I don't plan to wear them often, but I was curious to see how challenging they would make it.

So, after kicking and punching my invisible opponent to death, I did the following:

  • Bench press - 2 sets of 20 at 70lbs
  • Leg extensions - 2 sets of 35 at 25lbs
  • Leg curls - 2 sets of 25 at 25 lbs
  • Upright row - 2 sets of 15 at 70 lbs
  • Ab roll out with Ab Wheel - 2 sets of 15
Did I mention that I feel great? And with tomorrow being a rest day, I've officially completed my first week of Les Mills COMBAT. Nothing like a sense of accomplishment to keep you motivated, especially when it comes to physical fitness.

I'm going to have to fight the urge tomorrow to workout. My body needs the rest and I want to be ready for week number 2. I'm excited about my progress in just this week alone. And I'll continue to challenge myself even further than what the Les Mills COMBAT series has in store for me. Results are what I'm looking for and RESULTS are what I will get.

If you are looking to change your body and want results as much as I do, check out the Les Mills COMBAT series or the many other programs BeachBody has to offer at beachbodycoach.com/philipm78.

Also, follow me at Twitter at @pmelton357.

Let's get in shape, let's have fun, and #letsgetstrong.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Les Mills COMBAT: Day 5 - Shock Plyo HIIT 2

Here I go again. Back on the 30 minute track to reshaping my body with Les Mills COMBAT. Today's session is the Shock Plyo HIIT 2.

My plan today was to go above and beyond my Les Mills COMBAT workout and as tough as it was, I did just that.

Shock Plyo HIIT 2 is all about constant movement. I did squats, lunges, double lunges, ski hops, jump squats, suicides... heck, I can't even remember everything. And when I wasn't doing one of the aforementioned actions, I either ran in place with high knees or bounced from side to side. 

At the end of the workout, I did planks, side planks, cobra push-ups, and mountain climbers. I pushed through it and was drenched with sweat by cool down time. It was a great feeling.

However, I wasn't done. I wanted to push myself further with a little light weight training and core work. So after shutting off the DVD, I did:
  • Bench press - 3 sets of 20 at 70lbs
  • Leg extensions - 3 sets of 20 at 25lbs
  • Leg curls - 3 sets of 20 at 25 lbs
  • Upright row - 3 sets of 8 at 70 lbs
  • Ab roll out with Ab Wheel - 3 sets of 15
After all of that, I know I'm going to sleep well tonight. I feel great about pushing myself to the limit. I have nothing left to give and my body is worn out. I wanted to see if I could go further than my scheduled workout and I can. 

Don't let me have all the fun. Check out the Les Mills COMBAT workout for yourself. Go to beachbodycoach.com/philipm78 and order your copy today.

Also, follow me on Twitter at @pmelton357.

Let's get in shape, let's have fun, and #letsgetstrong.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

REST DAY... is boring.

Day 4 of Les Mills COMBAT is rest day and so far, I don't like it. I need it, but I don't like it.

It's hard to not do anything when I constantly think of popping in the next DVD or pushing some iron. My sore body wants to relax, but my brain is motivated to workout. 

So let's change the subject. 

In yesterday's post, I mentioned my love for food. Recently, given my new found girth, I've been working to change my diet... or at the very least, improve it. 

I'll admit, my weight gain was done purposely. I ate anything and everything I could get my hands on to add a few pounds. Now I'm in the mood to trim the fat. 

I started by preparing my meals a few days in advance. For breakfast, I eat steel cut oatmeal with a bit of cinnamon and sugar and hard boiled egg whites. For lunch, just a couple of peanut butter sandwiches will do. Dinner, so far, has been brown rice, chicken burgers, and spinach. 

I've been trying to watch my portions. When I was eating to gain weight, my meals would probably feed two or three people. Now, I'm sticking to one serving for a meal and have snacks throughout the day. 

Watching my snacking has been a challenge. I like sugar and would frequently put away multiple sweets in one sitting. I did get in the habit of getting fruit, veggies, or nuts to snack on, but even those I would over indulge in on occasion. 

Getting a hold of my diet is definitely a work in progress. I have goals I'm trying to meet and to reach them, I must make better food choices. Until then, I'm going to eat this pasta with meatballs and tomato sauce. 

Let's get in shape, let's have fun, and #letsgetstrong.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Les Mills COMBAT: Day 3 - Power Kata

Ok. Somewhere between 34 and 36, this happened.

I like food. Love it even. The more, the merrier. If the looks good and it tastes good, 9 times out of 10, I'm eating it. That fact is showing on my physique a little more than I like. Enter Les Mills COMBAT.

Today's workout went well. The struggle I had with endurance during the previous workouts wasn't as bad today, even with the workout being 45 minutes long. I kept moving throughout the entire session and I felt great afterward.

The Power Kata workout took me back to kicking and punching. I have to admit that it feels good to exercise like you're training for a fight. I did have issues with completing the combinations because my form needs work. Seems like I always finished in an awkward position compared to the guys on the DVD. I hope my balance improves as I continue with these workouts so I'm better able to transition between the different kicks and punches.

Tomorrow is a rest day and I'm going to take full advantage of it. I'm sore all over, but in a great way. So far, the Les Mills COMBAT program is fun and I'm looking forward to getting back at it on Thursday.

Don't let me have all the fun. Check out the Les Mills COMBAT workout for yourself. Go to beachbodycoach.com/philipm78 and order your copy today.
Also, follow me on Twitter at @pmelton357.
Let's get in shape, let's have fun, and #letsgetstrong.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Les Mills COMBAT: Day 2 - Power HIIT 1

When did 30 minutes become such a long time?

Thirty minutes was long yesterday with the COMBAT 30: Kick Start and it seemed longer today with the Power HIIT 1.

Once again, I struggled. Still... I finished.

First off, I had to do a bit of improvising since this workout requires weights and I didn't realize that until I started the DVD. So, I quickly grabbed my 7.5-lb plates and jumped right in.

Power HIIT 1 is weight training and cardio at the same time. I worked every bit of my body and finished with a nice coating of sweat. My body isn't too happy right now since we still feel the effects of yesterday's workout.

An intense battle grew between my mind and body throughout the workout. I had to pause the DVD several times to take a few extra breaths and grab a sip of water. All the while, I wanted to call it quits. I kept pushing. When the workout got to the cool down phase, both my mind and body were grateful to reach the end.

Now as I sit here, eating leaves of spinach like I'm at a dinner party thrown by the Golden Child, I'm happy with what I accomplished in 30 minutes. Tomorrow is a new day and brings with it POWER 45: Power Kata. There is more fun to be had and I'm ready for it.

Join me in using the Les Mills COMBAT workout. Go to beachbodycoach.com/philipm78 and order your copy today.

Also, follow me on Twitter at @pmelton357.
Let's get in shape, let's have fun, and #letsgetstrong.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Les Mills COMBAT: Day 1

I just completed my first day of Les Mills COMBAT and all I can say is... WOW!

I went through both the "Basics" and "Combat 30: Kick Start" DVDs and I'm worn out. 

I struggled, but I finished.

Before I started, I took my body measurements using the Measurement Tracker and tape measure I received with the DVDs. My measurements were:
  • Chest - 40 inches
  • Right & Left Arms - 13.5 inches
  • Waist - 36 inches
  • Hips - 41.5 inches
  • Right & Left Thighs - 23 inches
FACT: it is difficult measure your arms by yourself.


Let me just say that I don't have very good balance or coordination. The workouts made this revelation apparent. 

The punches combinations weren't a problem. However, when it came to the kick and knee combos, I had a tough time keeping pace. I felt as if I would fall with each front and back kick. Hopefully, as continue with the program, I will get better at maintaining my balance.

We all have to start somewhere. And although it was challenging, it was also fun. Thirty minutes and I feel great. I can't wait to do the next workout. 

You can join me in using the Les Mills COMBAT workout. Go to beachbodycoach.com/philipm78 and order your copy today. 

Also, follow me on Twitter at @pmelton357.

Let's get in shape, let's have fun, and #letsgetstrong. 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Awesome Ab Wheel

The ab wheel creates rock hard abs. It may be the best investment you can make for getting yourabdominal muscles in shape. Adding the ab wheel to a routine filled with sit-ups and crunches will do wonders for your midsection. This timeless and simple piece of home fitness equipment will turn your core muscles into a powerhouse of strength and stability.
Using the Ab Wheel I've had my ab wheel for years and believe me when I say mastering the ab wheel is no easy feat. It requires upper body strength to maintain balance while using. Beginners should start slow. Perform as many repetitions as you can. The more repetitions you do, the more comfortable you'll be with using the ab wheel.
The ab wheel rollout is the basic exercise to perform using the ab wheel. Start from a kneeling position, holding your upper body up by placing your hands on the ab wheel's handles. Roll forward until your arms are parallel to the floor, keeping your back in its natural, straight form. Finally, return to the starting position to complete the repetition.
Advanced Ab Wheel Exercises Once you've built up your strength with the ab rollout, you can alter the way you use the ab wheel to target your oblique muscles. From the same kneeling position as with the ab rollout, roll forward, veering your upper body either to the left or to the right. Another variation, for more experienced ab wheel users, involves doing the ab rollout from a standing position.
Muscles Used Aside from your core muscles, the ab wheel calls upon other muscles group needed to maintain stability throughout the exercise. Muscles in your upper back and arms hold you up while your roll the ab wheel forward. If they are not strong enough, you may not make it back to the starting position. Over time, those muscles will strengthen along with your core muscles as you use the ab wheel more. This makes the ab wheel a compound workout that engages your entire upper body.
Compact and Affordable Beyond its ability to give your abs a great workout, the ab wheel also possesses the attributes of being portable and economical. Lightweight and compact, it travels well. In fact, you can use it just about anywhere, from the office at work to a hotel room. The ab wheel also has a reasonable price. You can find them for as little as $7.00. I found mine at a Goodwill store for only $3.00.
If a six-pack is your goal, then invest in an ab wheel. Incorporate it into your workout and watch the transformation happen. Although it may be difficult to use in the beginning, don't give up. Keep pushing until you can blast out three sets of ten. The benefits of strengthening your core muscles go far beyond their aesthetic value. Having strong abs will help with the general movements people tend to do in everyday life. Go invest in an ab wheel today and be a witness to the changes it can do for you.

New Year, New Approach

Welcome to 2015 and welcome to the new Physical and Fit blog.

I'm revamping this blog to bring you the latest in the fitness world through my eyes... with a little help from BeachBody. That's right, I'm an independent BeachBody coach. That doesn't mean I'm going to overwhelm you with post after post of buy this and buy that. While I will be referencing the many great products BeachBody has to offer, Physical and Fit is all about sharing my knowledge and experience about physical fitness as well as the knowledge and experience of others.

Stay tuned to see featured articles regarding some of your favorite fitness topics such as HIIT and Crossfit. Also, follow me as I attempt to transform myself into a ripped, athletic pre-40 year old. I plan to keep things interesting, so you'll see both my successes and my shortcomings.

Physical and Fit is about changing your body for the better, regardless of age, sex, or current weight. Remember, pain is only temporary. After the pain comes progress... and growth. Life-changing growth.

I hope you enjoy your time reading my words as much as I'll enjoy writing them. And feel free to follow me on Twitter at @pmelton357.

Also, check me out at beachbodycoach.com/philipm78.

Let's get in shape, let's have fun, and #letsgetstrong.